Dojo Albringhausen

Shindokai Dojo

Albringhausen/ Bassum

part of the Shindokai Familie

The Shindokai Dojo Albringhausen ist part of the Shindokai family and teaching are given in Combat Arnis and Karate Kid’s.

On regular base seminars are held.

Home stay training is also available, daily private training and regular training.

Instructors are Hanshi Olaf Lotze-Leoni 8.Dan and Sandra Leoni 6.Dan

Trainings schedule


05.15 pm- 06.15 pm Karate Kids

06.30 pm- 08.00 pm Combat Arnis


6.00pm – 7.00pm Tai Chi Chuan/ Qi Qong

7:15pm – 8:15pm Karatedo Adults


Shindokai Dojos the better way of martial arts