Combat Arnis/ Escrima

Combat Arnis/Escrima

at the Shindokai Dojo Hannover

and at Shindokai Dojo Albringhausen

The Martial Art that will inspire you.

Arnis/ Eskrima is the Philippine art of stick fighting. It consists of the handling of different weapons and as opposed to e.g. Karatedo, here the beginner starts training with these weapons straight away.

Using these weapons offers a lot of advantages: they increase the self-confidence of the bearer in fighting situations, keep the attacker on a distance and allow a very efficient way of self-defence.

The first weapons used in Arnis/Eskrima are the “sticks”. These are about 60-70cm long made mostly of Rattan or fire hardened wood. Further on in training weapons such as knives, machetes, chain and staff will also be encountered. Also items of everyday life such as belts, umbrellas or even a rolled newspaper will be serve to train the application of the techniques. This is a great advantage Arnis offers in contrast to weapon less martial arts. The techniques learned are so versatile that in almost all situations one can find items which can be used, or if not, use the principles in empty hand combat.

Techniques and contents of the training

Not only the handling of weapons is part of the training in Arnis/Eskrima, but also defence and disarming techniques against armed and unarmed opponents are taught extensively. Also punching, kicking, throwing and holding techniques are an important part of the education. Concentration, peripheral vision, and agility are strongly increased through training. Arnis/Eskrima is an effective self-defence.

beginner and intermediate advanced and masterclass single stick anyos and application
target training defence with rope and chain Isa 1.1-15
twirling techniques direct countertechniques Isa 2.1-7
blocking techniques (single and multiple) double stick parallel corto Isa 3.1-7, Isa 4
counter techniques (single and multiple) double stick parallel longo Bakhol I
disarming techniques with and without stick double stick isolated technique Bakhol II
defence against fist attacks advanced double stick fighting Dalawa I
defence with a short stick double tick disarming techniques Dalawa II
stickdefence against knife sinawali drills Lambak
Combat Arnis Basic Anyo (8 Anyo)

with application and self-defence

Combat Arnis master forms 12 (+15)

single stick, single sword, double stick and double sword anyo with application and self-defence

Pala 1 u.2



reaction and fighting with single safety stick 1-sword fight Talak
De Kadena double sword fight Apat
quick release reaction and fighting with double safety sticks double stick Anyos

and application

figure eight arnis fight against other weapons (e.g. staff) Pala 3 u. 4
locking techniques with stick Hirada Lima
throwing techniques with stick Abaniko Anim
reverse grip techniques Espada y Daga Pito
6, 12,20 attacking system advanced De Kadena
double stick training Rompida Bolo
butt series Sombrada Bohol 1u.2
butt (Punyo) series Palis Palis Otso
defence with everyday items

(e.g. umbrella, book, belt)

Sonquete, Tapi Tapi, Messer u.v.a. Walo, Siyete etc.

As Karatedo has its katas, Arnis has its own systematized and memorized fights against imaginary opponents called “anyos”. The first Anyo are taught with one stick or machete, the advanced Anyo will then be carried out with two sticks or two machetes. The advanced student will also learn the application of the Anyo with a real opponent.

Arnis/Eskrima as self-defence

All this combined makes Arnis/Eskrima a highly efficient self-defence system, which can be learned by everyone. Only after a short time of training the student is capable of using very efficient technique for self-defence.

History of Arnis/Eskrima

A large number of fighters have formed and further developed stick fighting throughout the centuries. A large number of fighters have formed and further developed stick fighting throughout the centuries.

Present-day Arnis mainly originated in the Philippines. The Filipino grandmaster Cui Brocka and the German Arnis master H. D. Rauscher were the first to introduce Arnis in Germany in 1970. H. D. Rauscher is the chairman of the German-Asian martial arts organization D.A.K.O.

Teachers at the Shindo Dojo

Olaf Lotze-Leoni is one of the few people in Germany and Europe holding a 7.Antas (Lakan Pito) in Combat Arnis. He has been a direct student of H.D.Rauscher 9.Antas for over 30 years now. Co-Trainer are Jacob Rackisch 3.Antas, Jan Bickmeyer 2.Antas and Ingo Blencke 2.Antas.

If you are interested in weapons and self-defence don’t miss it.